Weds 24 July

Watlington Wednesday Club

The members of WWC enjoyed their annual battle playing Golf Croquet in pairs with silly names, occasionally sheltering under the cedar. Tea and delicious cake at Church Farm as usual.

Sun 21 July

Hipgrave Shield

A small but select entry of Alison, Ian and Ros competing for the shield in the new Oneball format. Each won a game. Alison prevailed in the deciding shootout.

Sat 20 July

AC match v Norwich (away)

All level at lunchtime but the home team were eventual winners. Not too surprising given their excellent member Jonathan Kirby making a rare appearance. The best tea we have had to date.

Fri 19 July

GC match v Pinchbeck (away)

Carol, Ian and Ros did not prevail in Lincolnshire but enjoyed their visit to Mike’s garden.

Thurs 18 July

AC match v Pinchbeck

Lots going on at Stow this week. We drew with Pinchbeck in a close day’s play in very warm conditions.

Weds 17 July

GC match v Sudbury

A lovely sunny day with the visitors from Suffolk prevailing. A splendid tea followed play. Ian and Ros enjoyed their first competitive outing.

Fri 12 July

GC match v Dunham

The more experienced visitors prevailed but as usual everyone enjoyed themselves. Carol and Gary entered the fray for the first time.

Tues 18 June

AC league match v Peterborough

We hosted a Peterborough team which included Debbie Cornelius, the current Women’s World Champion and had a good match. Level at lunchtime, the eventual outcome of 1-3 was no disgrace considering the high quality of the opposition.

Sat 25 – Tues 28 May


We had a lot of fun as usual at this great gathering of players in Brighton and Eastbourne and showed an improvement on the previous year, winning two matches and avoiding the wooden spoon.

Tuesday 7 May

Social Day

Following a game or two in the morning, the first of the splendid shared lunches in the sunshine. Lots of smiles and very tasty home made food.

Sunday 21 April

Butters Trophy

Eleven entrants in the opening tournament of the season. A bracing day with the best of the sunshine later on. A brisk wind blowing from time to time. Nevertheless, enthusiastic play from all, including very recent arrivals Anthony and Catherine. In the end there were three players on four wins, seasoned competitors Colin and Lucy and George who joined last year. The Hemmings Shootout was watched in tense silence ( the croquet equivalent of the penalty decider after Cup games) and was won decisively by Colin Spencer.